Monday 27 August 2012

ACN Scam or Not - Four Reasons You will Need to Completely Understand

By Ira Feuerstein

ACN Scam or Not Exposed? Independent ACN Review

ACN (American Communications Network) is an M.L.M Network Marketing company which claims to give value to both customers and independent members, but is it just an ACN scam or a chance to hit it big in their home enterprise opportunity? So ACN Scam or Not, you act as the judge.

As ACN grew it drew the awareness of some serious players and would ultimately get personal buy-in from peole like Donald Trump who once famously said if he had to start his career over and did not do real-estate, he would do Multi-Level Marketing network marketing.

What's the ACN Scam?

ACN has grown over the years (since 1993) and it has been given a reputation of being one of the top telecommunications companies in the world.

HOWEVER , there are some Problems with ACN I Am going to expose at this time.

Are the ACN Products Good?

ACN wants you to replace your communication technology such as phone, web, and TV services, with their products. If you?re now paying premium costs for these services, then it's essentially not such a bad idea as you aren't paying any more to use ACN and you have a business that you can write off taxes with.

What if I'm not paying premium prices for my communications? Well then, ACN products might not be for you. They're going to try to let you know how better and cheaper their services are but the truth is, they're not. In reality many people say that Skype's phone service is actually better, and heck Skype is free.

ACN Business Venture Risk

There's nothing wrong with the ACN business opportunity itself, as it is a good company, with decent products and worth. The real problem is in how their folk are being told to market the business.

You have most likely been told (if you are already in the company) or will be told (after you join the company), to make a buddies and family list to call and pitch your amazing opportunity to. You'll be told to bug and pester the people you are concerned about the most till they are done with you and reluctantly cavern in or they tell you to leave them the hey alone.

You'll be told to call past acquaintances who will initially be happy to hear your voice, but swiftly turn exasperated when they find out the one reason you actually called was to sell them something.

When your friends and family list is dried up (which will not take you long), you?ll be told to either by a cold calling list and start dialing random folk to pitch, or to go hang out at Wal-Mart, at the Mall, at the Park, and pitch each total stranger who comes inside 3 feet of you.

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