Monday 1 July 2013

Government's Intrusions: You Know What's Coming Next

By Anne Trimble

Each passing day, there is yet another revelation about how deeply committed the federal government is to spying upon and oppressing the average American. It's not uncommon to ask, "Can you believe that?"

Our question is, "When will you believe it?" And when will we realize that the kind of authoritarian control that the Obama administration now is attempting to exert has come up to Biblical standards.

Simply put, America has actually become a tyranny, similar to some of the worst kingdoms in the Bible. Eventually God passed judgement using Israel's militaries, or in various other ways.

The continuous stream of revelations takes our breath away: as word comes out about how the IRS has actually been persecuting Tea Party groups, as word comes out about how the Justice Department has been criminalizing the work of honest journalism, and as word comes out about how the Obama administration got a judge to permit the National Protection Company to monitor telephone information on tens of millions of Americans who just register for Verizon Wireless.

Even the nonreligious news media, long the lapdog of liberalism and of the Obama administration, is complaining about the head of state's lack of promised transparency and propensity for abusing authority as well as his undermining of the Constitution.

In fact, the evidence is overwhelming that there is no such thing as private information in this world anymore. Government has become practically omniscient, at least in secular terms.

It's unnerving to look ahead, don't you think? It's fairly obvious. Some dictator, or organization with access to this vital information -- will begin making use of every bit of this information to impose the utmost control on global citizens, and to restrict our flexibility in the economy so that we'll be required to bark for whoever throws the bone.

The Bible calls it "the mark of the beast" in Revelation 13:16-17. God gave the prophet John a vision in which the beast "forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name."

Are you prepared to be stripped of your privacy and your rights? Since the time to say something is nearer than you think. Would anyone have thought even a month ago that we would be hearing the string of brand-new revelations that we are hearing now?

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